When working as an Art/Rehab Therapist in Napa, particularly in 2004,  I held many a music and tea group for my patients. During this time I queued up cds in their cases, and the patients listened to their favorite rock and roll tunes while sipping tea. I found myself doodling with pen and paper, using the circular center and edges of cds and rectangular cd cases to design intricate and repeating lines and curves in space. I formed faces out of a beginning gestural line, and carefully inked items that I had on hand in front of me, such as ink pens, etc. Tracing my hands became a common theme in the drawings. The words I blocked out came from the songs I was hearing at the time I was drawing. It was a pleasurable pastime for me. I kept the drawings on my computer and forgot about them for a long while. My daughter Raychel happened to glimpse some of the original art on my computer, found them intriguing, and encouraged me to do more. In 2018 I did four completed designs in ink and wash, on 11" x 14" vellum drawing paper. Movement, layers, depth and the emotion of the characters are shared features of each drawing.
